
This is the page for extensions to the pbx4linux application.
Currently the state of patches is version 4.1 based on pbx4linux-3.4-fix2

Latest patch is jht4.2

This is patch version jht3.0

It contains an extension to the routing behavior and a new parser.
With this version you can have multiple extensions for your dialing configuration. E.g. Now all extensions 201-204 are ringing same time.

Another patch introduces a new parser module. It extends the language of route.conf to an action following an action. I.e.
dialing=1828384 : intern extension=201,202,203,204 timeout=20
		  goto ruleset=vbox
It rings on extension 201-204 for 20 seconds. In case noone picks up the phone, the timeout occurs and the next action is executed: goto vbox.

You can download the patched packet as a whole
[pbx4linux-3.4fix2_jht-3.tar.gz] 4832kB
[pbx4linux-3.4fix2_jht-3.tar.bz2] 4348kB
or via anonymous cvs:
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@habenicht.homelinux.com/repository login
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@habenicht.homelinux.com/repository -z9 co -r PBX4LINUX_3_4_FIX2_PATCH_JHT_VER3 phone/pbx4linux
Please use the -z9 switch! It lessens the time to download from 6 minutes to 3 minutes.

The patch alone is here:
[pbx4linux_3.4fix2_jht3.patch.gz] 28kB
[pbx4linux_3.4fix2_jht3.patch.bz2] 26kB

Patch version jht_4.0

now got a configure script.
NOTE: The paket currently does not compile! This is just a developer version to get a working "configure" script.
The script recognises openh323 and opal libs, as well as mISDNuser in most of the locations automaticaly. The location of the mISDNuser paket can be given as an argument to "configure" as well.

You can download the patched packet as a whole
[pbx4linux-3.4fix2_jht-4.tar.gz] 4832kB
[pbx4linux-3.4fix2_jht-4.tar.bz2] 4348kB
or via anonymous cvs:
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@habenicht.homelinux.com/repository login
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@habenicht.homelinux.com/repository -z9 co -r PBX4LINUX_3_4_FIX2_PATCH_JHT_VER4 phone/pbx4linux
Please use the -z9 switch! It lessens the time to download from 6 minutes to 3 minutes.

The patch alone is here:
[pbx4linux_3.4fix2_jht4.patch.gz] 24kB
[pbx4linux_3.4fix2_jht4.patch.bz2] 23kB
NOTE: You need to patch pbx4linux_3.4fix2_jht3 before pbx4linux_3.4fix2_jht4 .

Patch Version jht4.1 is out.

With this patch, you can compile cleanly pbx4linux. Except for OPAL which shouldn't be enabled, it breaks your compilation.

To get your configure script,

The patch alone is here:
[pbx4linux_3.4fix2_jht4.1.patch.gz] 5kB
[pbx4linux_3.4fix2_jht4.1.patch.bz2] 5kB
NOTE: You need to patch pbx4linux_3.4fix2_jht4 before pbx4linux_3.4fix2_jht4.1 .

Or you can access the version via anonymous cvs with release PBX4LINUX_3_4_FIX2_PATCH_JHT_VER4_1

Patch Version jht4.2 is out.

> With this patch, you can install your files at the correct places
(/etc/pbx4linux, /var/log/pbx4linx, /usr/bin/, /usr/sbin)

To get your configure script,

The patch alone is here:
[pbx4linux_3.4fix2_jht4.2.patch.gz] 8kB
[pbx4linux_3.4fix2_jht4.2.patch.bz2] 7kB
NOTE: You need to patch pbx4linux_3.4fix2_jht4.1 before pbx4linux_3.4fix2_jht4.2 .

Or you can access the version via anonymous cvs with release PBX4LINUX_3_4_FIX2_PATCH_JHT_VER4_2
Please use the cvs -z9 switch! It lessens the time to download from 6 minutes to 3 minutes.

The current development is accessible via
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@habenicht.homelinux.com/repository -z9 co -r PBX4LINUX_3_4_FIX2_PATCH_JHT phone/pbx4linux
Please use the cvs -z9 switch! It lessens the time to download from 6 minutes to 3 minutes.